Person drinking decaf matcha in a calming environment.

Understanding Matcha Caffeine Content: What You Need to Know

Written by: Mécène Market



Time to read 9 min

Matcha green tea, a finely powdered form made from specially grown and processed tea leaves, has gained immense popularity due to its numerous health benefits and unique taste. 

Understanding the caffeine content in matcha is crucial, as it directly affects energy levels, mental clarity, and overall health.

Unlike regular green teas, matcha contains a higher concentration of caffeine, providing a sustained energy boost without the jittery effects often associated with coffee. 

Knowing how much caffeine is in matcha can help consumers make informed decisions about their daily caffeine intake and enjoy the benefits of this natural stimulant responsibly.

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a type of powdered green tea that originates in Japan. Unlike regular green tea, where the leaves are steeped and discarded, matcha involves consuming the entire tea leaf in a finely powdered form. This process not only enhances its flavor but also increases its nutritional benefits.

It's known for its vibrant green color and rich, slightly sweet taste. Due to its health benefits and unique properties, it is often used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and has become a popular ingredient in various culinary dishes and beverages worldwide.

How Matcha is Made

The production of matcha green tea involves several meticulous steps to ensure its high quality and distinctive characteristics:

  • Shading: Tea plants are shaded from direct sunlight for about three weeks before harvest. This increases the chlorophyll content, giving matcha its bright green color, and boosts the production of amino acids like L-theanine.

  • Harvesting: Only the finest tea leaves, typically from the top of the plant, are hand-picked for matcha production.

  • Steaming: The leaves are quickly steamed to prevent oxidation, preserving their green color and fresh flavor.

  • Drying and Sorting: After steaming, the leaves are dried and sorted and stems and veins are removed. The remaining pure leaf material is known as tencha.

  • Grinding: The dried tencha leaves are ground into a fine powder using granite stone mills. This slow, careful grinding process preserves the delicate flavor and nutrients.

Freshly harvested green tea leaves used for making matcha.

Caffeine Content in Matcha

Understanding the caffeine content in matcha is essential for those who consume it for its energy-boosting properties and health benefits. Matcha contains a significant amount of caffeine, which can vary based on several factors.

A traditional Japanese matcha tea ceremony setup

Amount of Caffeine in Matcha per Serving

A typical serving of matcha, usually about 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of matcha powder, contains approximately 70 mg of caffeine. This amount can provide a substantial energy boost, similar to coffee's, but with a more gradual and sustained release of energy. The amino acid L-theanine in matcha helps moderate caffeine's stimulating effects, promoting calm alertness.

Comparison with Other Caffeinated Beverages

When comparing the caffeine content in matcha to other popular caffeinated beverages, several differences become apparent:

  • Coffee: An average cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine, higher than matcha. However, coffee can often lead to a quick spike and subsequent energy level crashes.

  • Black Tea: A cup of black tea typically contains around 47 mg of caffeine, less than matcha and coffee, but enough to provide a moderate boost in energy.

  • Regular Green Tea: Regular green tea has approximately 28 mg of caffeine per cup, significantly lower than matcha. The entire tea leaf is consumed in matcha, producing a higher caffeine intake.

Comparing caffeine content in matcha and coffee

Factors that Affect Caffeine Levels in Matcha

Several factors can influence the caffeine content in matcha, including:

  • Quality of Matcha: Higher-quality matcha, such as ceremonial grade, often contains more caffeine than culinary-grade matcha due to the selection of younger, more tender leaves.

  • Harvest Time: Tea leaves harvested earlier in the season typically have higher caffeine levels than those harvested later.

  • Shading Process: The time the tea plants are shaded before harvest can increase caffeine levels. Plants shaded for extended periods produce leaves with more caffeine and higher chlorophyll content.

  • Preparation Method: The amount of matcha powder used and the water temperature can also affect the caffeine content. Using more powder or brewing with hotter water can increase the caffeine concentration in the beverage.

How Matcha Caffeine Works

The caffeine in matcha is absorbed differently than in other caffeinated beverages, offering unique benefits. This section explores how matcha caffeine works, the role of L-theanine, and the differences between matcha and coffee caffeine.

The Unique Way Matcha Caffeine is Absorbed

Unlike coffee, where caffeine is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, matcha caffeine is absorbed more slowly. This is because matcha contains a significant amount of fiber from the powdered tea leaves, which slows down the absorption process.

As a result, the caffeine in matcha provides a more sustained energy boost, lasting several hours without the sudden spikes and crashes associated with coffee. This slow release helps to maintain stable energy levels and enhances focus throughout the day.

The Role of L-theanine in Matcha

One critical component that makes matcha unique is L-theanine, an amino acid in high concentrations in matcha green tea. L-theanine promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness by increasing the production of alpha waves in the brain.

When combined with caffeine, L-theanine helps to balance the stimulating effects, reducing the likelihood of jitteriness and promoting a state of calm alertness. This synergy between caffeine and L-theanine in matcha leads to enhanced cognitive function, improved focus, and a more relaxed yet attentive state of mind.

Differences Between Matcha Caffeine and Coffee Caffeine

There are several notable differences between the caffeine in matcha and coffee:

  • Absorption Rate: As mentioned, matcha caffeine is absorbed more slowly, providing a longer-lasting energy boost. Coffee caffeine is absorbed quickly, leading to a more immediate but short-lived burst of energy.

  • Energy Levels: Matcha's combination of caffeine and L-theanine provides a balanced and sustained increase in energy, whereas coffee often leads to a quick spike followed by a crash.

  • Mental Effects: Matcha, due to its presence of L-theanine, is known for enhancing focus and mental clarity. Coffee can sometimes lead to increased anxiety and jitteriness, especially in those sensitive to caffeine.

  • Health Benefits: Both matcha and coffee have health benefits, but matcha offers additional advantages due to its high levels of antioxidants, polyphenols, and other nutrients. These compounds contribute to overall well-being and can help mitigate some of the potential adverse effects of caffeine.

Health Benefits of Matcha's Caffeine

The caffeine in matcha provides various health benefits that go beyond simple stimulation.


Caffeine and L-theanine in matcha are particularly effective in enhancing cognitive functions. This synergy helps to improve attention, reaction time, and memory without the jitteriness associated with other caffeine sources.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of matcha can improve performance in tasks that require sustained attention and quick information processing.

A person enjoying a cup of matcha


One critical benefit of matcha caffeine is its ability to provide a steady energy boost. The slow absorption of caffeine, aided by the fiber content of matcha, ensures that energy levels remain consistent for several hours. 

This sustained energy is ideal for maintaining productivity and focus throughout the day without experiencing the common energy crashes that follow coffee consumption.


Matcha is packed with antioxidants, notably polyphenols and catechins, which help to combat oxidative stress in the body. 

The antioxidants in matcha, such as EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), are known for their potential to reduce inflammation and protect against various diseases. 

Regular consumption of matcha can contribute to overall health by enhancing the body's ability to neutralize harmful free radicals.

Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.

Potential Side Effects of Matcha Caffeine

While matcha offers numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects associated with its caffeine content.

Possible Side Effects of Too Much Caffeine

Consuming excessive amounts of matcha can lead to side effects similar to those experienced with other caffeinated beverages. These may include:

  • Insomnia: High caffeine intake can disrupt sleep patterns, making falling and staying asleep difficult.

  • Anxiety: Overconsumption of caffeine can increase anxiety levels, leading to feelings of nervousness and restlessness.

  • Digestive Issues: Some individuals may experience stomach discomfort or acid reflux when consuming too much caffeine.

  • Heart Palpitations: In rare cases, excessive caffeine intake can cause an irregular heartbeat or palpitations.

How to Manage Caffeine Sensitivity

For those sensitive to caffeine, it is vital to manage intake to avoid adverse effects:

  • Monitor Consumption: Track how much matcha you consume daily and adjust as needed.

  • Time Your Intake: Avoid consuming matcha late in the day to prevent sleep disturbances.

  • Blend with Other Teas: Mixing matcha with other lower-caffeine teas can reduce overall caffeine intake while still enjoying the benefits of matcha.

  • Choose Decaf Options: Consider using decaffeinated matcha for a lower-caffeine alternative.

How to Control Caffeine Intake from Matcha

Managing caffeine consumption is crucial for enjoying matcha's benefits without experiencing adverse side effects. Here are some tips for controlling caffeine intake from matcha and exploring alternatives.

Tips for Managing Caffeine Consumption

  • Start with Smaller Servings: Begin with half a teaspoon of matcha powder per serving and gradually increase if needed.

  • Pay Attention to Quality: Higher-quality matcha tend to have more caffeine. Opt for culinary-grade matcha if you prefer a lower caffeine content.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help mitigate some of the side effects of caffeine.

  • Balance with Diet: Ensure your diet includes foods that support relaxation and reduce caffeine sensitivity, such as those rich in magnesium and B vitamins.

Person drinking decaf matcha in a calming environment.

Alternatives to High-Caffeine Matcha

  • Decaf Matcha: Decaffeinated matcha provides the same flavor and health benefits without the high caffeine content.

  • Blending with Other Teas: Matcha can be blended with other teas, such as herbal or white tea, to lower caffeine while still providing a flavorful beverage.

  • Matcha-Infused Foods: Enjoy matcha in different forms, such as matcha-flavored snacks or desserts, which typically have lower caffeine levels than a cup of matcha tea.


In conclusion, understanding the caffeine content in matcha is essential for making informed choices about its consumption. Matcha offers a unique and beneficial combination of caffeine and L-theanine, providing sustained energy, improved focus, and numerous health benefits.

However, it is important to manage caffeine intake to avoid potential side effects, especially for those sensitive to caffeine. By starting with smaller servings, staying hydrated, and exploring decaf options, you can enjoy the many advantages of matcha while maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much caffeine is in matcha green tea?

A typical serving of matcha contains approximately 70 mg of caffeine, providing a sustained energy boost without the jitters often associated with coffee.

Is matcha higher in caffeine than regular green tea?

Yes, matcha contains significantly more caffeine than regular green tea, which involves consuming the entire tea leaf in powdered form.

What makes matcha caffeine different from coffee caffeine?

Matcha caffeine is absorbed more slowly due to its fiber content, providing a longer-lasting and more balanced energy boost than coffee's quick spike and crash.

Can matcha improve mental clarity and focus?

Matcha's combination of caffeine and L-theanine enhances cognitive function, improving attention, reaction time, and memory without causing jitters.

What are the potential side effects of too much matcha caffeine?

Consuming excessive matcha can lead to insomnia, anxiety, digestive issues, and heart palpitations, similar to other caffeinated beverages.

meet the author

Dr. James Pendleton

Dr. James Pendleton is a primary care physician specializing in a naturopathic approach to family medicine. He has nurtured a family practice in Seattle, directed a VIP medical center in Abu Dhabi, published several books and scientific articles, and designed innovative nutritional supplements for manufacturers worldwide.


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